Chapter 1
This will provide you with an understanding of what the Care Expert role entails. Specifically around the duties of a Care Expert, what they comment on and who needs a Care Expert.
This will provide you with an understanding of what the Care Expert role entails. Specifically around the duties of a Care Expert, what they comment on and who needs a Care Expert.
This will help you understand what our requirements are. It will also highlight personal considerations when looking at starting in this role and what clinical roles best complement our work.
This will answer the question ‘why become a Care Expert?’ Enhancing your clinical skills, bettering your work-life balance and offering significant financial rewards to name just a few good reasons.
This addresses the mystery around the Care Expert role by dispelling a number of myths associated with this kind of work. We will help you to allay your fears and show you how we overcome these myths.
The working world is always evolving, but it certainly feels over the last few years this has accelerated significantly. As Allied Health Professionals we are simply not working in the same way anymore and this will have longer lasting impacts on us as Occupational Therapists. It seems then a good time to discuss more openly these changes and what this means for our future careers.
There are many options for Allied Health Professionals and Nurses out there to achieve a balance, on their own terms, without losing clinical hands on input. In this video, we show you how this works for one of our Occupational Therapists and the professional and personal benefits associated with working flexibly.
Taking stock of our progression as an Occupational Therapist, Nurse or Physiotherapist is essential. Many of us now have the time to consider where we can develop our skills and what we want to achieve with them.
Let’s discuss the freedom you could have in the Care Expert role to truly empower the injured party without restriction. We will explore what the remit of a Care Expert is and what is included in a report, as well as discussing how working in this environment makes you better equipped to serve your clients and patients day-to-day too.
One of our Expert’s Helen Neale, who is a Community Occupational Therapist, comments on assessment skills and how this differs in her work in the community and as a Care Expert.
Listen to J Webb Care Experts Heidi and Nikki as they share how they feel their Case Management work set them up well for life as a Care Expert.
We took Heidi and Nikki back to the start to discuss why they became Care Experts.
Care Experts Heidi and Nikki share how they feel valued at J Webb and why that is so important.
It’s a real thing. Hear Nikki and Heidi discuss the highs and lows of report-based work.
Our Care Experts Heidi and Nikki share their top tips for managing your time when report writing.
Going to court is an anxiety provoking experience. It is a (very small and rare) part of the Care Expert role, the risk is always there. But what does the court feel like, what will you experience and how will you prepare? Let us tell you a bit more and hopefully ease your worries. We want to enlighten you with some courtroom basics, lifting the lid on what you may (or most likely won’t) experience.
Court is a scary prospect, but we will closely support your preparations for trial. This includes giving you courtroom skills experience. Take a look at one of our training day.
In this session we discuss the common mistakes when beginning Expert work. Nikki Smith discusses her experiences, lessons learned and provides some tips for those interested in beginning this work.
Watch the video below to guide you through the main sections of the report and compare this to your job role now. As a Care Expert, you have the opportunity to be truly holistic in your approach.
If you think you meet our requirements and would like to register your interest in becoming a Care Expert with J Webb, please complete this short form and someone from recruitment will be in touch shortly.