Being a Care Expert – Be impartial, expert and confident
The duty of an Expert is to the court and not to be partisan for the claimant or defendant. Whichever side has made the instruction, you must remember, allowing yourself to be swayed in your opinion will only put you at risk of being exposed by your opposite number and/or the opposing solicitor.
It is not my intention to scare you, I just want to make you fully aware that reputation is on the line. By remaining independent and impartial in your report and pulling on your experience and knowledge, you can rest assured that you are doing the right thing. Confidence is key. To make it through our recruitment process and don the green Jacqueline Webb colours should give you an added confidence in your ability. We only recruit the best clinicians that we know have the previous and current experience to perform well in this role. If we did not have confidence in you then you would not be on the team. If you’re not naturally confident in your ability, and like many probably too modest, then being a J Webb Expert should help to propel that. We speak to circa 400 clinicians a year and you are one of 150 of so in our talent pool. That speaks volumes about you! This is all with the aim of gaining just the 12 best per year.
We know you have the experience and are best placed to produce our reports, that is why you are being instructed to give your opinion. There is no place for ‘might’, ‘may’, ‘could’. Be confident, assertive and decisive with your opinion. After all, you are best placed to do this role.
Realistically, only 2% of cases actually make it to court. However, we need to be prepared for 100% of cases making it to the courtroom. If you do find yourself being called to court then bear in mind that barristers want a Care Expert to be professionally credible, presentable, and articulate. This is an area we can assist in (no, I don’t mean we’re going to buy you an outfit for the day!) as we provide courtroom training days to give you the exposure and ultimately the confidence in a situation that most of us haven’t been in before. you can read more about these here.
Believe in yourself and we’ll do the rest!