We’ve got your back
One of the biggest worries about beginning Expert work is the feeling of isolation; does anyone have your back? Support is crucial in terms of initial training and guidance, but also in terms of back-up during difficult issues or unexpected requests.
Solicitors can be demanding and many will make many requests that for one reason or another just simply cannot be met. This is where our Workflow Team steps in; they are the vital back-stop for our Experts and provide support in managing Experts schedules and solicitors expectations. We have selected a few recent examples of our Workflow Team’s invaluable work to demonstrate how even the simplest intervention can make a big difference to our Expert Team.
1. Managing Expectations
A solicitor contacted our office with a request for an Expert to make same day amendments to a report. Our Expert was actually marked as being at an assessment and therefore unavailable to make the amendments that day. Our Workflow Team contacted the solicitor on behalf of our Expert to ensure our Expert was given a reasonable timescale to complete the relevant amendments. The work was completed then in a timely but reasonable timescale.
2. Organising appointments
One of our Experts was on annual leave but had been contacted by a solicitor to confirm availability for court. Our Workflow Team stepped in to ensure no time was lost in the organisation of the court proceedings. They informed the solicitor of our Expert’s known unavailable dates and court dates were arranged without the need for direct involvement of the Expert. Saving time for the solicitor and allowing our Expert to enjoy their annual leave.
3. Obtaining the right documents
The Workflow Team noted that a solicitor was sending the documents out in the post on the Monday before our Expert’s assessment on the Thursday. Solicitors typically do this via our office. The documents would not have been received in the office until the Wednesday and our Expert would not have received them in time to review ahead of her assessment. Therefore, Workflow called our Expert to ask if the information could be posted to her direct and as she confirmed this was okay, we were able to call the solicitor’s assistant direct and arrange for the evidence to be posted straight to our Expert saving our Expert from being misinformed prior to the assessment.
We hope these examples provide a reassurance regarding our commitment to our Expert Team. If you would like to find out more about our work and the support we provide please get in touch with our Expert Recruitment Manager, Simon Dickinson.